This course explores the aspirations that people of African descent have for the future, speculation, utopias and dystopias. Part of the resilience of black culture and black life is about imagining the impossible, imagining better places, situating oneself on different levels of existence and interacting with other life forms, be they alien, artificial or human, in ways not fully embraced or understood by Western culture. Afrofuturism encompasses art, music, literature, religion, technology and the future in new and exciting ways in order to further understand the human condition, more specifically the place of people of color in the 21st century and beyond. Overall, this course explores the construction of modern and future worlds from the perspective of global black experiences.
AFAS 378 - AfroFuturism and Black Speculative Fiction
Grade Basis
Regular Grades
Course Attributes
Gen Ed: Tier 2 Individuals and Societies