We are excited to present an Africa series of talks to connect the community of people studying Africa or working in Africa -- including students, faculty, staff, and the wider Tucson community. We believe that with the exchange of information and building a diverse community of scholars focused on topics related to Africa, we can leverage our unique experiences to learn from each other and productively engage with topics about Africa.
FALL 2020
September 18: Presenter: Corrie Hannah / Topic: Decentralization of Water Governance in Africa (Link to the recording: https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/j-2bWDyt7XXP7KxPkZerlWiVFOJ0ViYUM9RFeZGWaXplzfxFHIoFvV-sU7HM5cow.6vkmJ6bTx5FpPV2J)
October 9: Presenter: Tumaini Kamulali / Topic: Paleo-Ecology of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for the Future of the Fishery in One of Africa's Largest Lakes (Link to the recording: https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/0dR4WvMLCjAecMl9sFbLIwDQqY-nYAO4f3D7I35UBte5qR40LVkw-qMi7IPkqWmq.oFzxJZZjXVB3xYwF)
October 30: Presenter: Suyi Okungbowa / Topic: Afrofutures, Afrofantasies and the Afropresent: Why Speculative Stories are Important for Contemporary Black Existence https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/E2zTX2cCyYVsRliXg1HluaVcVbcbuttkxX-PsVePXgamXEgdZx_SNM2lg22Xp6Ay.bApfC5WADYWcxzJu
November 20: Presenter: Tatenda Zinyemba / Topic: Effects of HIV on Adolscents and Youths' Human Capital Investment in Zimbabwe: A Heterogeneous Average Treatment Estimation https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/f9Tffvd8tMUOENig9UEgbk8rvjqhVNG7SlclJ0DuBw2ztGrFNKJf2orc3sIVyt0O.R6_VgAoYl-2db-XA
January 29: Presenter: Clara Randimbiarimanana / Topic: Language Ideologies in Post-Colonial Madagascar https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/dCSDGF5tcidP-su1eaHjnXyI1YdccCjCXxSaOt9ivUCJ7al1xMnKnOROIYQ7EXdA.Kd-02CyTVECKqInN
February 19: Presenter: Tricia Redecker Hepner / Topic: The Anti-Refugee Machine: How the EU and Eritrea Exacerbate Migration and Undermine Asylum https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/hme7CfmCNgPMDb5I2P7sVaWA3xm8biKUnmvKuSmPMXLbffxJQ_vNhcNXDzfaKhzU.QOH1-yHdh9Ujo1IY
March 19: Presenter: Benjamin N. Lawrance / Topic: Asylum Claiming and West African Secret Societies https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/BqClyUGWH7IVpBCaD_V3wL51IJK5e9WIfueDfv3SJzvZpvSHtBbXbCSeEjW3NgtA.vLUyjlwkO9UCrgkj
April 23: Presenter: Abby Hungwe / Topic: African Refugees in Arizona https://arizona.zoom.us/rec/share/qiDo-QBpnvw2Ry6Zhvisr5RZ2R1Ulj5UWLpi3X8MK5rkXBbRWsTUScudLyjtGpyU.08hSzX5cP_m8P3Ai
These speaker series are free and open to the public. For more information CONTACT: Dr. Judd Ruggill (jruggill@arizona.edu) or Marcela Thompson (marcelathompson@email.arizona.edu)