Africana Studies Affiliated Faculty Grant Competition

Oct. 19, 2022

The Department of Africana Studies invites applications for a grant totaling $5,000 to support research activities of current Africana Studies affiliated faculty members. In your proposal, explain how the project will benefit the Department of Africana Studies. Depending on the budget presented, we will either give one award of $5,000 OR two separate grants of $2,500 each to the deserving applicant/s.

The application deadline is 5:00 PM, November 28, 2022.


  • Applicants must:
    • Be full-time University of Arizona faculty with “affiliated faculty” status with Africana Studies;
    • Have carried out service duties for Africana Studies within the past three years;
    • Have regularly participated in Africana Studies’ events.
  • Preference will be given to first-time applicants.

Examples of expenses eligible for support from this grant:

  • Expenses for domestic and international travel to conferences, workshops, archives, labs, performances, etc.;
  • Summer/Winter salary or other types of supplemental compensation for faculty;
  • Equipment such as computers, iPads, printers, software, digital cameras, samplers, microphones, etc. Please note that any purchased equipment will remain property of the University of Arizona. Should you leave the University, you would have to return such equipment to Department of Africana Studies. Also, any part of this allocation not spent by July 1, 2023 will return to Africana Studies.
  • Sabbatical replacement funds;
  • Supplies and products for labs;
  • Expenses related to final projects, books, articles, chapters;
  • Publication subventions;
  • Hiring of graduate research assistants;
  • Bring speakers on campus;
  • Organize symposia and meetings on campus.

Examples of expenses NOT eligible for support from these grants:

  • Scholarship/cash stipend through Bursar’s account
  • Food and beverages

The funds will be transferred to the awardee's department.

ERE Rates:

Faculty: 34.9%

GATs: 13:4%


Please submit the required application materials by no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 28, 2022. All materials should be submitted as attachments to a single e-mail to Marcela Thompson ( Questions about the program or the application can be directed to Prof. Praise Zenenga, Director of Africana Studies (


The awardee will be notified approximately two weeks after the deadline. Grant funds must be used before July 1, 2023.


  • A two-page narrative (single-spaced) clearly stating the project's description, objectives, and how it will benefit the Department of Africana Studies curriculum and its students;
  • A detailed budget;
  • A short CV (maximum 5 pages) that highlights teaching, research, and service applicable to project;
  • One letter of support from a colleague
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