Symposium: A Moveable East? North African & Middle Eastern Community, Education, & Media in Modern Europe

8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., April 19, 2013


A Moveable East is a one-day interdisciplinary symposium that explores how the cultures and societies of North Africa and the Middle East shape the concept and practice of Europeanness, through transnational and local forms of community, education, and media. There will be three panels, followed by a keynote address by Dr. Fatima El-Tayeb from UC San Diego. The title of her talk is Permanent Migrants, Muslim Europeans and the Racing of Religion.


Symposium sponsors:
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Department of German Studies

Africana Studies Program, Department of French and Italian, School of International Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SILLC), and the School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies (MENAS), the Institute for LGBT Studies, and the Speaking of Gender Reading Group.