UA Africana Studies Program Announces Funding Commitment for Majors to Study Abroad

4:30 – 6 p.m., Nov. 14, 2013


The School of International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SILLC) and the Africana Studies Program Present:

"South Africa, Swaziland, France, and other Opportunities for UA Students"

Featuring Dr. Kristina Bishop, Dr. Bryan Carter, and Dr. A-P Durand

November 14, 2013 at 4:30-6pm, Kiva Room of Student Union

Food and refreshments

Come learn about South Africa, Swaziland, and Paris, France, as well as about study abroad and funding opportunities for UA students in these regions. In summer and fall 2014, the Africana Studies Program will be giving several competitive awards: two awards of $5,000 each, one of $3,000, and two of $1,000 each to Africana Studies majors for the study abroad programs it sponsors in South Africa, Swaziland, and for the AFAS 421 African Americans in Paris, France trip. SILLC will be giving two competitive awards of $1,500 each for SILLC majors to study abroad.

Information about these awards, criteria, as well as competition's deadlines will be announced at the event.