Film Documentarian: Bocafloja - Screening of documentary film, "Nana Dijo", a gripping documentary about the African diaspora in the Americas. Bocafloja is a poet, rap artist, scholar, cultural ambassador and founder of the Quilomboarte collective. Bocafloja has transgressed into one of the most revered icons in the Spanish speaking Hip Hop communities. He is recognized in Mexico as one of the first Hip Hop artists that effectively utilize cultural production as an alternative tool to stimulate critical thinking, developing a divergent form of political participation coherent with the marginalized youth experience.
Storyteller: Mark Gonzales - Mark Gonzales is a storyteller, professor, father and futurist of social possibility. He is the author of In Times of Terror, Wage Beauty-based on the lived experience of Mark Gonzales, the book curates poetry, neuroscience, epigenetics, and intergenerational forgiveness into 91 page typography and prosed based reflection on love, fear, possibility, power, and dreams. He specializes in the creative potential, engagement strategies and the unique role stories play in the human operating system. His impact portfolio spans 5 continents and include: revitalizing old cities via The New Medina, maximizing idea capital with the World Islamic Economic Forum, and bridging the equity gap in 21st century education. He currently serves as a lecturer at Standford University.