Join Us! Africa Table Speaker Series: A Research Practice Partnership in Rural Northern Ghana

2 – 3 p.m., Sept. 23, 2021

Dr. Brogden will present a research-practice partnership (RPP) established with an indigenous NGO in rural northern Ghana: World Institute of Africa Culture and Traditions (WIACT).  Its purpose is to retrieve cultural traditions and repair enduring unfortunate legacies of the colonial era in West Africa. Its mission includes reconnecting young people with their cultural identities, thereby helping to reduce push-pull factors in young people deciding to risk the dangerous journey to Europe.  Brogden will explain four initial programs undertaken by the RPP.  The projects engage esteemed elders in helping to revitalize traditions and natural heritage of the region. 

About the speaker:  Dr. Brogden is a medical and cultural anthropologist who works to address historical and war trauma starting at the grassroots level.  She worked as a neutral mediator/facilitator in public conflict resolution processes, before moving to oversee the resettlement of 6,000+ refugees to the U.S. after 9-11, many from Africa.

For more information CONTACT:  Dr. Bayo Ijagbemi ( or Marcela Thompson (
