Bryan “Besouro Preto” Castle has been training Capoeira with Contramestre Dondi since Capoeira Malandragem began.
Though he went to his first class in 1998 hoping only to find a fun activity to help maintain his overall fitness as he had previously achieved in the Marine Corp, he found more than he had anticipated. He immediately felt the passion, the beauty, and rhythms of Afro-Brazilian culture, along with the art, philosophy, and physical challenge of Capoeira. Over the last fifteen years he has dedicated himself to improving his skills as a capoerista and helping the ever-growing community of United Capoeira Association.
In the early stages of his search for capoeira, Besouro traveled throughout North America and Brazil attending several batizados, shows and performances to further understand and
increase his knowledge of the artform of capoeira. After his first trip abroad to Brazil, his eyes were opened up to the idea that Capoeira was not only a martial art, but much more than that. It is a way of life. Throughout his travels in capoeira, he has had the opportunity to meet, train, play and get to know some of the most well-known teachers and mestres in the world of Capoeira in cluding Mestre Acordeon. He received his training under the supervision and mentorship of Contramestre Dondi, a student of the renowned capoeira teacher Mestre Acordeon of the United Capoeira Association, Besouro has had the opportunity to develop the skills, technique and knowledge to be a Capoeirista. In 2013, Besouro earned the rank of Graduate (Level VIII, Cordão Trançado ) & the title of Professor with United Capoeira Association, Berkeley, CA.
By profession, Besouro is a busy computer programmer who understands the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. He has discovered that by embracing his commitment to the philosophies of Capoeira and the beauty of Afro-Brazilian culture he has achieved a deeper sense of community, a richer understanding of self, and a greater understanding of the importance of family and relationships. Capoeira has had a positive impact on all aspects of his life, at home and at work.
He currently co-teaches the all-levels Capoeira series at TUCSON CAPOEIRA -UCA ( at his studio Movement Culture ( historic 4th Ave and is very excited to be a part of a renewed school expansion effort.
For more information CONTACT: The Department of Africana Studies at 621-5665 or