My humanities education has prepared me for a career in social work by teaching me a lot about the society I live in and the people in it. I work for a program called Parenting Plus at Child and Family Services of New Hampshire, a non-profit organization that has been helping families in New Hampshire since 1850. My job is to help those who struggle with parenting, obtaining resources, and various other difficulties of daily life as a parent in the city of Manchester. Among the most common issues I and my families face is the opioid epidemic in New Hampshire. I work with addicted adults and youths, children who have been removed from or struggle with being cared for by addicted parents, and substance-affected infants. Though it is an especially hard time to work or live in Manchester, it is especially uplifting getting a child who is part of a substance-affected or low-income family signed up for basic needs such as school, a doctor, or a dentist. It is equally exciting getting parents the help they need by enrolling them in parenting classes, counseling, or treatment programs.