Major and Minor Requirements

Requirements for the BA in Africana Studies

Effective August 2015

30 units in AFAS (including a minimum of 18 units upper division as follows):

Part 1
Foundations (3 courses – 9 units): 

AFAS 200 Introduction to Africana Studies
AFAS 209 African American History (1440-1877)
AFAS/SOC 220 Introduction to African American Studies

Part 2
Research Methods (1 course – 3 units): 

AFAS 302 Africana Studies Research Approaches

Part 3
Capstone (1 course – 3 units): 

AFAS 498 Senior Capstone

Students are strongly encouraged to complete one approved study abroad experience and/or one approved internship prior to taking AFAS 498 (Senior Capstone). Approved student credit hours received via study abroad and/or internship may count toward the BA in Africana Studies.

Students may choose from one of three thematic areas, or they may mix and match courses from two or more areas. The Thematic areas are: African American History, Culture & Aesthetics; Comparative Global African Diaspora; and Performance, Media, & Digital Africana Studies. 

You can choose to complete 15 units in one of the following thematic areas, or create your own pathway through the major by mixing or matching courses from two or more areas. A minimum of 12 units must be upper division, among which 3 units must be at the 400 level.

AFAS 204 African Diaspora Religion and Culture
AFAS 210 African American History (1865-Present)
AFAS  222 African American Studies:  A History of Ideas
AFAS 224 Models of Resistance, Post 16th Cent. African Liberation Movements in the Southeast
AFAS 255 African American Politics
AFAS 260 Ethnic Relations in the United States
AFAS 304A The Social Construction of Race:  Whiteness
AFAS  304B The Social Construction of Race: Blackness
AFAS 306 African-American Autobiographies:  Women and Their Histories
AFAS 320 The African American Slave Narrative: History and Literature
AFAS 330 Minority Groups and American Politics
AFAS 339 Introduction to African and African-American Art
AFAS  340 The Politics of Race and the African Experience
AFAS 342 Writers, Women and the Gods
AFAS 344 African American Religion
AFAS 347 The Old South
AFAS 348 The South Since the Civil War
AFAS 377 Digital Africana Studies: The Harlem Renaissance
AFAS 385 Race and Ethnic Politics in the Post-Civil Rights Era
AFAS 420 Nineteenth Century African American Writing
AFAS 421 Topics in Africana Studies
AFAS 425 Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism
AFAS  435 The Coming of the Civil War, U.S. 1845-1861
AFAS 436 Civil War and Reconstruction, U.S. 1861-1878
AFAS 441 The History of African American Women from Slavery to Freedom
AFAS 444 Rethinking Race and Health in the United States
AFAS 467 Race and Ethnic Relations
AFAS 475 USA & South Africa: Comparative Historical & Political Perspectives
AFAS 478 African American Literature
AFAS 482 African Americans & U.S. Foreign Policy
AFAS 493 Internship
AFAS 494 Practicum
AFAS 495B Studies in Black America

AFAS 249 Images of Africa
AFAS 300 Historical Overview of African and African Diaspora Cinema
AFAS 318 Pan African Dance Aesthetics:  Theory and Practice
AFAS 335 Rap, Culture and God
AFAS 339 Introduction to African and African-American Art
AFAS 371 Hip-Hop Cinema
AFAS 373 US & Francophone Hip-Hop Cultures
AFAS 377 Digital Africana Studies: The Harlem Renaissance
AFAS 400 African Aesthetics: Pan-African Dance Language of Liberation
AFAS 411 Africana Theatre Aesthetics
AFAS 421 Topics in Africana Studies
AFAS 439 Blacks in Hollywood
AFAS 493 Internship
AFAS 494 Practicum

AFAS 204 African Diaspora Religion and Culture
AFAS 223 African Philosophical Worlds
AFAS 224 Models of Resistance, Post 16th Cent. African Liberation Movements in the Southeast
AFAS 230 Introduction to African Literature
AFAS 245 African Literature in Translation
AFAS 249 Images of Africa
AFAS 303 Black Womanist Writers
AFAS 305 Motherhood in the African Diaspora
AFAS 310 Afro-Latin American Literature
AFAS 311D Geography of Africa
AFAS 314 Caribbean Literature and Culture (West Indies)
AFAS 329 Cultures and Societies of Africa
AFAS 335 Rap, Culture and God
AFAS 345 Caribbean Politics
AFAS 351 Race and Class in Latin America
AFAS 352 Slavery in Latin America
AFAS 365 Ancient African Civilizations
AFAS 373 US & Francophone Hip-Hop Cultures
AFAS 374 The Politics of Protest in Africa and the Diaspora
AFAS 376 Global Soccer
AFAS 381 African/Indigenous Religions
AFAS 421 Topics in Africana Studies
AFAS 423 Topics in Caribbean Culture, Literature and Identity
AFAS 426 Archaeology of Africa
AFAS 433 Managing Diversity
AFAS 463 Doing Business In /With Africa: A Cultural Perspective
AFAS 467 Race and Ethnic Relations
AFAS 468 Government and Politics of Africa
AFAS 475 USA & South Africa: Comparative Historical & Political Perspectives
AFAS 482 African Americans & U.S. Foreign Policy
AFAS 493 Internship
AFAS 494 Practicum

Minor Requirements

Minor in Africana Studies:

18 units in AFAS (including AFAS 220 & AFAS 302) with at least 9 upper division units.

Minor in Hip-Hop Cultures:

Here are the new Requirements for the Minor in Hip Hop Culture for Fall 2021. 
(Please note that you are Required to take 9 Units of Upper Division Credit.)

Part 1
Foundation Core

Complete 3 units from the following courses:
AFAS 200 (3) Introduction to Africana Studies
AFAS/SOC 220 (3) Introduction to African American Studies

Part 2
Hip-Hop Core courses

Complete 9 units from the following courses:
AFAS 218 (3) Introduction to Hip-Hop Dance
AFAS 302 (3) Africana Studies Research Approaches
AFAS/LAS/RELI 335 (3) Rap, Culture and God
AFAS 371 (3) Hip-Hop Cinema
AFAS/FREN 373 (3) US & Francophone Hip-Hop Cultures
AFAS 439 (3) Blacks in Hollywood

Part 3

Complete 6 units from the following courses:
AFAS 200 (3) Introduction to Africana Studies
AFAS/SOC 220 (3) Introduction to African American Studies
AFAS/ HIST 210 (3) African American History (1865-Present)
AFAS 218 (3) Introduction to Hip-Hop Dance
AFAS 302 (3) Africana Studies Research Approaches
AFAS 318 (3) Pan African Dance Aesthetics: Theory and Practice
AFAS/LAS/RELI 335 (3) Rap, Culture and God
AFAS 371 (3) Hip-Hop Cinema
AFAS/FREN 373 (3) US & Francophone Hip-Hop Cultures
AFAS 439 (3) Blacks in Hollywood
DNC 178A (1) Beginning Hip-Hop Dance Technique
DNC 178B (1) Hip-Hip Dance Technique Limited Experience
DNC 178C (1) Intermediate Hip-Hip Dance Technique
FTV 302 (3) Recording Studio Production
MUS 100 (3) Basic Musicianship
MUS 109 (3) Rock and American Popular Music
MUS 231 (3) Jazz History
MUS 302 (3) Recording Studio Production

To declare a major or minor in Africana Studies or in hip-hop cultures, please email your student ID# to Dr. Praise Zenenga at

Minor in Intercultural Studies

For requirements for this minor click HERE

To declare a minor in Intercultural Studies, please email your student ID# to Dr. Alain-Philippe Durand at


36 units in AFAS as follows:
Part 1
Foundations (2 courses)

AFAS 209 African American History (1440-1877)
AFAS/SOC 220 Introduction to African American Studies

Part 2

AFAS 498 (3 units)

Part 3
Research Methods (2 courses)

AFAS 302 Africana Studies Research Approaches
AFAS/GWS/HIST 306 African-American Autobiographies: Women and Their Histories

Part 4
Upper Division

Complete 21 units of focused study to be determined in consultation with your faculty mentor.

Ready to Declare?

Thank you for your interest, there are many benefits of majoring in Africana Studies! Declare a major or minor in one of the following ways:

In Person

Meet in person with a faculty advisor or make an appointment with the College of Humanities Academic Advising Center.

Online form

Complete the online Major/Minor declaration form (NetID required). A faculty advisor will follow up to schedule a meeting. If you do not hear from a faculty advisor within a week, please contact the College of Humanities Academic Advising Center (

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